fredag 24 april 2009

Personregister, valfrändskaper (6) Foucault

Mot bakgrund av vad jag tidigare skrivit om manlig homoerotik, Mohamed Omar och möjligheterna till en renande apokalyps, en folkets mobilisering i en andlig revolution, är det väl lämpligt att nu frambära en homage till Michel Foucault. Och vad kunde vara lämpligare än ett citat om den ärofulla iranska revolutionen. Kanske är det först idag, 30 år senare, som vi till fullo kan uppskatta skärpan hos Foucaults profetiska blick:

One thing must be clear. By "Islamic government," nobody in Iran
meansa political regime in which the clerics would have a role of supervision or
control. To me, the phrase "Islamic government" seemed to point to two orders of

"A utopia," some told me without any pejorative implication. "An
ideal," most of them said to me. At any rate, it is something very old and also
very far into the future, a notion of coming back to what Islam was at the time
of the Prophet, but also of advancing toward a luminous and distant point where
it would be possible to renew fidelity rather than maintain obedience. In
pursuit of this ideal, the distrust of legalism seemed to me to be essential,
along with a faith in the creativity of Islam.

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